Monday, October 24, 2016

Painting the maintenance building

It is fortunate that at Bretton Woods, the maintenance facility is well secluded from the golf course. It is located out of view and is not an eyesore. Nevertheless, making sure that the building is still maintained and remains as attractive as possible is important. That is why this fall we had the exterior of our building painted.

Some golf course maintenance buildings are located centrally on the course. While this is convenient for the grounds staff in travelling to each area of the course, it is difficult to hide the building. Great care must be taken to block the view of the building so the building doesn’t detract from the golf course. We do not have to go to any great lengths to hide our building though.

Not only is our shop located far to one side of the course, but we have a couple of other factors working in our favor. First, the building is built at the bottom of the driving range, which as many of you know, is on a hillside. A portion of the hillside was carved out and the building was set into the hill, giving a natural cover to the facility. Second, several trees were planted or left standing around the building to provide cover as well. A new coat of paint has only enhanced the cover already provided from the hill and trees. We went from a light mint green that contrasted the trees and grass, to a nice hunter green that fits in much better.

Painting the shop has helped blend the building in even more to its surroundings and has given it a new look. Even though our shop is not the most highly visible, a fresh coat of paint has gone a long way in upgrading the home base of the Grounds department.

Etiquette Reminder of the Month

Please leave bunker rakes inside the bunkers when you are finished.

Note: Starting in November, through February, posts will be reduced to once per month. Thank you.

See you on the course!

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