Monday, May 14, 2018

Next steps for the Bermuda grass

We continue to work towards solutions regarding the Bermuda grass health. The path forward for this summer will require several different approaches.

We have toured the course and inventoried each damaged area. We have contacted our golf course architect for an early indication regarding logistics of laying sod in certain areas. On Tuesday we have a regional turfgrass agronomist visiting Bretton Woods. He is not only very familiar with all issues of turf in the Mid-Atlantic region, he is also very acquainted with Bermuda grass in our environment. His ideas and suggestions will help shape our remediation plan.

Starting this week, we will also start slicing the Bermuda grass. As we mentioned last week, we have seen great improvement when employing the slicing technique. You can read more about it here. Basically, each place that a viable stolon or rhizome of Bermuda grass is cut, new growth can begin. By slicing the healthy turf we have, we are encouraging new growth to fill in. We will use this tactic to shrink the size of the large bad areas, and possibly eliminate the small bad areas. We are hoping for cooperative weather so that the slicing is successful. Following the slice, in 5-7 days we will make a spot fertilizer application to all the struggling turf.

These are the next immediate steps as we continue to focus on the Bermuda grass and its recovery.

Etiquette Reminder of the Month

The broken tee boxes are not trash cans. Thank you.

Also, as part of a Golf Committee initiative to improve course etiquette, we have included links to videos teaching proper on course etiquette. Please take a moment to watch:

See you on the course!

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