Monday, January 28, 2019

Tree removals

We started our winter tree work this past Friday. In discussion with the Golf Committee, this year’s tree maintenance budget will primarily be used for tree removals. We have planted hundreds of trees in the past few years, but have been falling behind in removal of dead or damaged trees.

Dead trees are dangerous, unsightly, and labor intensive. Branches litter the ground after any wind storm and require labor to clean up. As the number of dead trees has gradually risen, so has the hours needed for picking up the debris. These falling branches also pose a safety risk, although we have been lucky enough to avoid any issues. Dead trees are also ugly. Many times, removing dead trees first, helps to focus the discussion of where new trees should be planted. It is much easier to see where gaps have developed once old trees are removed. This can make it easier to pick locations for new trees.

Trees have already been removed from the entrance, with a couple more still to go. We will also be removing a few trees from the pool facility. Once those locations are complete, we would like to move to the golf course. However, we do have to wait for the weather to cooperate. The ground either needs to be dry enough for heavy equipment (very unlikely) or completely frozen (likely) in order to support the trucks. When the conditions are suitable, we will be removing dead trees around holes 15, 16, and 17 first.

Thank you for your patience as we complete the work this winter.

Etiquette Reminder of the Month

Please remember to keep your cart on the cart path when we are “Cart Path Only.”

Also, as part of a Golf Committee initiative to improve course etiquette, we have included links to videos teaching proper on course etiquette. Please take a moment to watch:

See you on the course!