For many people, Memorial Day is the unofficial start to
summer. High schools have only a few more weeks of classes and some colleges
and universities may already be done. Soon, many families will be headed to
Bretton Woods for the pool. Because of this, the Grounds department spends much
of the last two weeks of April and the beginning of May working at the club house and
pool planting flowers, cleaning landscapes, mulching and prepping for the busy
season that doesn’t involve the golf course.

We begin by doing a thorough cleaning of the whole pool
facility. Blowing leaves, picking up sticks, and cleaning other debris left
over from the winter. This year, we also trimmed all of the trees in the
parking lot and inside the pool grounds. This has opened the area tremendously.
More light reaches the turf around the pool, which will make for nicer areas
for families to lounge. In the parking lot, low hanging branches that were
impacting parking have been removed.
Because of the high volume of people that come and go at the
pool, there are several areas of grass that get trampled throughout the season. Therefore,
each spring we freshly sod 4,000-6,000 square feet of new turf. Areas in the
front entrance, as well as behind the office, and down closer to the pool all get
sodded annually.
Between all of the sod and flowers that are planted each
year at the pool, we also must do a lot of watering. While we generally receive
enough rain at this time of year to help with the watering of all the new plant
material, the new sod and flowers require constant attention. Two to three days
without water for a freshly planted flower or new sod can mean death. We have
to be diligent so money is not wasted on replacing plants that become dehydrated.

Bretton Woods is unique for many different reasons. For the Grounds department, the differences are seen by where and when we devote our time and efforts. Spreading our labor across the 200 or so acres that we maintain creates many challenges, but also keeps things fresh for our staff.
Happy Memorial Day!
See you on the course!