Monday, July 1, 2019

More tree work and seeding recap

Last week we discussed seeding and tree work. Well, this week we are discussing it again. The first round of seeding is complete. We will also be getting more tree maintenance completed.

As of last Thursday, our initial seeding effort was finished. We seeded all the bad areas on each fairway and approach from the 17th-27th of June. We are already seeing some very early germination of the seed and there are a few seedlings popping up. Bermuda grass can be seeded at most any time that the soil temperatures are warm enough. However, we have seen from the past that it can be difficult to get good establishment early in the summer. Therefore, we will continue to add more seed every few weeks as needed to promote as much new growth as possible. 

We will also continue to regularly fertilize these weak areas to promote growth from healthy grass in towards the center of the bad areas. These areas are marked with a green and white stake and we are working to make the spots smaller, and to have fewer and fewer stakes out there.

We also have more tree work coming up this week. 2 silver maples near #15 tee will be trimmed, and all the dead material will be removed. We also have one more dead oak tree to take out between #3 and #15 fairways before we move on.

Once that is complete, we will shift work over to the area of #5, #7, #11 fairways for removal of more dead trees. The number of trees removed will depend on how long the work on #3 and #15 takes, but there are plenty of dead trees to keep the contractor busy. We will plan an attack based on removing the higher priority trees first and move to lower priority if time allows.

Having several days dedicated to tree maintenance will help tremendously in the long run. We will eventually catch up on removals and that will allow us to better identify the areas of need around the property. This, in turn, allows us to economically and efficiently follow through with our tree planting program.

Etiquette Reminder of the Month

Please remember to keep your cart on the cart path when we are “Cart Path Only.”

Also, as part of a Golf Committee initiative to improve course etiquette, we have included links to videos teaching proper on course etiquette. Please take a moment to watch:

See you on the course!

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