Monday, October 21, 2019

Bunker renovation update

We have been working on the renovation of #14 bunkers for just under a week. The project has been moving along very good. Our first load of sod is coming as soon as possible, so some of the exposed soil will be covered.

Stripping away the old sod
Unfortunately, an issue that we will face this year that we have not faced in other bunker renovation projects, is the availability of sod. Normally, we have a sod supplier that is just down the road from us. We can have sod delivered, but we normally go pick it up ourselves, which saves a delivery fee. We also can get it quickly if needed. For example, say we finish our other work early and have time to do some sod work. We could call up the sod farm, order, and be back with some sod in less than an hour total.

A finished edge of the bunker. The
old sod and built up sand has been
This year, however, this local sod farm is out of sod for the season. Due to the extensive rain last year, their fields of sod for the upcoming years did not mature well. The field that they used this year is now empty and they don't want to sell immature turf. So they have stopped selling for the season. This means we have to order our sod from another supplier that we trust. But this supplier is on the eastern shore of Maryland. It takes much more coordination to get the sod here when we need it. We also try to split the delivery fee with someone else who wants sod around the same time as us, so only one truck has to come for both companies.

Removing the built up sand around the
edges of the bunker.

This arrangement works, but it may lead to exposed soil slightly longer than we would normally like. However, we will do our best to keep every step of the process as short as possible.

Thank you for your patience.

Also, November thru February will have only one post each per month. Thank you 

Etiquette Reminder of the Month

Now that it is legal to leave the flag in for putting, please be extra conscious to not damage the lip of the cup when retrieving your ball.

Also, as part of a Golf Committee initiative to improve course etiquette, we have included links to videos teaching proper on course etiquette. Please take a moment to watch:

See you on the course!

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