Monday, March 15, 2021

Lower driving range tee

Just as the collar sod replacement project was wrapping up, we started renovation of the lower driving range tee. With another good week of weather, we should be laying sod soon.

Previously, the bottom of the driving range had a small, unsightly teeing area that was rarely used. Then 2020 happened and the explosion in use of all facets of the golf course, including the driving range. Through last year, the lower driving range tee became the de facto tee for lessons and clinics. But it was not designed or maintained for this increased use. With no end in sight to golf’s renewed popularity, the club decided it was time to improve this area.

The old tee was too small, unlevel, and poorly constructed. The new tee needed to be professionally built and designed to maximize the area available. So far, we have checked off those necessities. The new tee is four times larger overall. The area for synthetic tee mats has been reconstructed level, with a concrete pad for a new teeing surface, that will more than double the hitting mat area. The grass hitting area will also be level and provide several thousand square feet for practice, which will be three times more than what was previously available. The teeing will have square edges to match the design of the golf course so it will look as though it has always been in place.

Overall, the lower area also suffered from poor drainage. A great deal of water comes down the driving range and 18 fairway and ends right at the base of this teeing area. By reshuffling the existing soil, water will not puddle at the tee, but instead will be directed efficiently through swales on each side of the new tee. One of these swales will also tie-in nicely with our new equipment wash pad.

When we are finished the entire lower end of the driving range will respectable. It will be ready for the continued high levels of use as we approach the new golf season.


Also, starting today 3/15 and all non-holiday Mondays going forward, the golf course will be closed until 11am for maintenance. Thank you


Etiquette Reminder of the Month

When parking your cart at a tee or green, please keep all 4 tires on the path

Also, as part of a Golf Committee initiative to improve course etiquette, we have included links to videos teaching proper on course etiquette. Please take a moment to watch:

Ball Marks - How to properly repair

Bunker etiquette


See you on the course!


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