Monday, May 17, 2021

Bermuda grass update

The Bermuda grass has had a roller coaster start to the season. We will get to the conditions that everyone wants, but it will still take some time.

Bermuda grass needs warm, humid temperatures for vigorous growth. We have had a few warm days, though not really much humidity at all. But what the Bermuda grass needs most of all is warm soil temperatures and warm overnight temperatures, neither of which has happened yet.

The soil temperatures started to climb, we even hit the mid-60’s for a few days (it even prompted a few early cicadas) but since then, the top layer of soil has dropped right back down into the mid-50’s. 55 degrees is about the minimum that Bermuda grass can tolerate and still grow some, hence why the Bermuda grass is green and growing (barely). However, the Bermuda grass can not thrive or grow aggressively in these cooler soils.

We have also had some warm days, including a couple of days near 90 degrees right at the end of April. Yet, there has been no consistency. We have also had just as many, if not more, days in the 50’s. Spring is a changeable season, so this is not really abnormal; however, regardless of normal or not, it is not prime conditions for the Bermuda grass.

The cold overnights have been the biggest culprit though, in hampering the Bermuda grass. Not only have we not had any warm evenings yet, but we have also had a lot of downright cold ones. We had 3 nights in the last week of April that all produced frost on the Bermuda grass and we have had 2 nights in just the last week that were in the mid-30’s. Though there was not any frost in the Bermuda grass, it is still a major roadblock for growth.

The good news is the Bermuda grass is generally healthy and ready to grow, it just needs some help from Mother Nature. Fortunately, the forecast looks positive: a few much warmer days, but more importantly, the overnight temperatures should not get too cold for a while.

It can be hard to wait on the Bermuda grass. Patience is the key; once the weather is right, the turf will do what it knows how to do.


Etiquette Reminder of the Month

Please leave bunker rakes inside the bunker once you are finished.

Also, as part of a Golf Committee initiative to improve course etiquette, we have included links to videos teaching proper on course etiquette. Please take a moment to watch:

Ball Marks - How to properly repair


See you on the course!


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