Monday, September 13, 2021

Foot traffic sign

We recently added a new sign near #18 green to help with traffic management.

Something as minor as walking in certain areas may seem inconsequential to the health of the turf, but when 150-200 people walk in the same exact place, every day, that stress can add up. Throw in the stress from our mowers and the grass can struggle and die.

Redirecting some of that traffic can help spread the wear patterns around to different areas, giving each previous area a chance to recover. With enough rotation and good adherence to the directive, we can manage the traffic so that no single area is too badly damaged.

That is the thought behind the new sign at #18 green. There is a very small area to walk up left of the green, in between the green and greenside bunker. Since it is so narrow, everyone must walk in virtually the exact same line, causing the wear. The new sign directs “All foot traffic” to walk farther out to the left, out and around the bunker, into a much less trafficked spot.

This plan can only work if people obey the sign, otherwise it is just decoration. Please be on the lookout for this addition and take the longer way around the bunker.


Etiquette Reminder of the Month

Please do not apply any spray sunscreen or insect repellent while standing on the grass, especially the greens.

Also, as part of a Golf Committee initiative to improve course etiquette, we have included links to videos teaching proper on course etiquette. Please take a moment to watch:

Ball Marks - How to properly repair



See you on the course!


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