Monday, August 8, 2022

Tee edges

Over time, especially regarding Bermuda grass, the edges of tee boxes can shift- the tee can change size and also twist in relation to the line of play. We have been out painting new edges and will be working on straightening the tees out.

During the summer, particularly on the sunny side of a tee, the Bermuda grass from the teeing surface can migrate out into the rough. The mower operator, possibly missing the correct edge by half an inch won’t really be able to tell the difference of what was tee and what was rough. This leads to the tee slowly shrinking as each cut follows the “new” edge. Similarly, the opposite can happen: the Bermuda grass moves into the rough, it looks just like the tee surface grass to the operator, so they mow it. Now the tee starts to get bigger as each cut follows this “new” edge. In each case, the area of the tee box can change- it can grow wider, or it can shrink.

As you can see, the white line has been
painted out from the current edge. This 
indicates that the tee box has shrunk slightly.

It is also difficult to maintain a straight edge for the length of a tee box, so realignment is necessary in that case also. The edges can swerve slightly, angle in the wrong direction, or even bow in the middle. And once these long edges start to get off, the front and back edges tend to follow suit. What is left is a tee box that may or may not be square to itself but is also not aimed correctly down the hole; it has slowly twisted on its plane and now does not align with the intended line of play.

This edge and corner as still very close
to as originally built

We are out to correct these two scenarios by painting in straight edges that are in the correct position and correctly aimed. We will then mow to the paint lines to correct the issues. Since the Bermuda grass is growing so vigorously right now, areas that we must scalp down to correct, will be able to adjust to the new mowing height and heal in before it gets cold.

Nothing is static. Just like we must regularly strip the edges of bunkers to redefine the perimeter, we must regularly reshape the tee boxes. We will finish up this round this week and be ready for when the edges need to be reworked in the future.


Etiquette Reminder of the Month

Please don’t apply bug spray or sunscreen while standing on greens, tees, or fairways.

Also, as part of a Golf Committee initiative to improve course etiquette, we have included links to videos teaching proper on course etiquette. Please take a moment to watch:

Ball Marks - How to properly repair


See you on the course!


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