Monday, September 26, 2022

Greens stepcut

In consultation with the Golf Committee, we are beginning a test of a greens stepcut. This will be an intermediate height of grass between the collar and rough.

Around the fairways, we have an in-between height of Bermuda grass: we call it the stepcut, as in it is a step higher than the fairway but shorter than the rough. We are now taking that same concept to the green surrounds. The reason we are starting with only a test is twofold: 1. The current grass around the greens is not ideally suited to be cut at this new lower height and we want to make sure it can take the change; 2. We need to make sure this is a job that we can successfully add into our program without sacrificing other jobs. Now is a great time of year to check both things. The weather is conducive to putting a little pressure on the turf without killing it and some of our other jobs are winding down allowing for room to practice and see how a new job fits in.

It has taken us lots of time and effort to improve the green surrounds. It is still something we are working on and will continue to work on. Each year has shown improvement, to the point that sometimes the rough immediately off the green is very thick and lush. It can be difficult to play from. The goal is to allow a shot that rolls just into the rough to be slightly easier to play. We will mow 2 passes with a rotary push mower around the green at lower height of cut compared to the rough, but higher compared to the collar. As you move further off the green, the next shot becomes for difficult. To begin, we will be mowing this new stepcut on holes 1, 5, and 13.

Be on the lookout for this new height of cut around these greens. Hopefully it will make the next shot easier if a green is missed and the turf will tolerate this change.


Beginning in October, and lasting through February, we will drop to one post per month


Etiquette Reminder of the Month

In addition to repairing your own ball mark on every green, please repair at least one other as well.

Also, as part of a Golf Committee initiative to improve course etiquette, we have included links to videos teaching proper on course etiquette. Please take a moment to watch:

Ball Marks - How to properly repair

Golf Cart tips



See you on the course!


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