Monday, October 23, 2023

More on leaves

We are moving deeper into fall and the leaves have started to ramp up. Sometimes it can seem as though we never make progress, but we do have a process for this yearly task.

Blowing the course everyday is time consuming and monotonous. And losing golf balls in piles of leaves is frustrating. Nevertheless, for several weeks a year, leaves are at the forefront for golfers and the Grounds staff, and many other tasks take a back seat. Keeping the surfaces clean keeps the course playable, but we also must focus on removal of the leaves, otherwise we are just pushing them around from one side to the other.

Generally, early in the week we try to focus heavily on leaf removal. Racing around the course and simply cleaning the greens, tees, and fairways takes at least 4 hours. Doing this daily wouldn’t allow enough time to clean up and we would start to fall behind. So, we sacrifice the days early in the week to blow piles and pick them up. The trade off is that during these days, the playing surfaces may not be entirely cleaned.

But later in the week, usually Thursday through Sunday, we shift our attention to making sure that the course is clean and playable first. Most of our rounds occur on these days, and especially during the weekend, we are aiming to have the best playing experience possible. Our strategy is to work around the course clearing each surface out into the rough at least far enough that a mildly errant shot can still be found. Then, once the course is clean, we do then shift back to making piles for removal.

It takes weeks and weeks to battle the leaves and we never get every single one. While our process isn’t perfect- leaves tend to interfere with golfers and our staff one way or another- we do at least have a plan of attack.


Etiquette Reminder of the Month

Please don’t stand in one place for an extended period of time to practice putting. Your footprints can be worn into the green.

Also, as part of a Golf Committee initiative to improve course etiquette, we have included links to videos teaching proper on course etiquette. Please take a moment to watch:

Ball Marks - How to properly repair

Golf Cart tips





See you on the course!


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